Resarchers Carlos Trapero and Concepción Muñoz

The University of Cordoba collaborated with Italian universities on a studyto identify the temporal dynamics shaping genome structure during the division of species in the genus Olea.

Publicado en Nature science
FROOTS PROJECT | Assessing stress in olive tree rootstocks to make them more resilient to global change

The European FROOTS project crossbreeds olive tree varieties to achieve genetic improvements to deal with the impact of environmental stresses

Publicado en Nature science
Climate change will cause a loss of olive production in Andalusia

A study led by the University of Cordoba estimates close to a 30% decrease in production in the province of Seville, which will most suffer the effects of climate change

Publicado en Nature science
OLIVE MIRACLE. An application to predict the future of the olive tree

The European 'Olive-Miracle' project is developing a model that predicts the behaviour of olive groves in the face of climate change throughout the Mediterranean

Publicado en Nature science
A new harvester decreases the cost of olive picking in traditional olive groves

The University of Cordoba Mechanization and Rural Technology research group designed a harvester that improves the profitability of traditional olive farming

Productive traditional olive groves, which make up 70% of Andalusian olive farming, are in a complicated situation in terms of financial sustainability. The lack of mechanization so vital to picking olives has made new already-mechanized plantations such as intensive and superintensive olive groves surpass traditional olive groves, which still spend 40% of their harvesting budgets on picking. 

Publicado en Nature science
How do African air masses influence olive-pollen allergy levels?

A study by researchers at the University of Córdoba shows how the arrival of African air masses at high altitudes affects olive-pollen transport in Andalusia

Olive pollen is amongst the most widespread airborne pollens in southern Europe; its frequency, coupled with an intense flowering regime,  gives rise to a high incidence of allergies.Research into the factors governing airborne pollen counts and their behaviour is increasingly playing a key role in improving the quality of life of those sensitive to olive -pollen allergens.

Publicado en Nature science