Martes, 19 Octubre 2021 08:28

Comics and Brochures Help Spread Oncological Knowledge

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One of the designs made in the project

The University of Cordoba’s 'Text, Science and Translation (HUM-947)' research group is working on a project that translates and adapts texts oncancer-related scientific advances for non-expert readers

From left to right: Manuel Tena Sempere, Silvia León Téllez and David García Galiano, from the CRISPR-KISS1 project

The University of Córdoba and Harvard University in the USA are seeking to understand the neural connections in the ovulatory process in order to alleviate problems derived from reproductive pathologies

Members of the GOTHAM Proyect

The WEARE research team at the UCO, coordinated by Julio Berbel, is developing the "Gtool" to predict the behaviour of aquifers and the needs of growers in the rural areas of Dalías (Almería), Baalbeck-Hermel (Lebanon ) and the Zarqa Basin (Jordan)

Comparison between what LiDAR detects and the human eye of archaeological remains

A team from the University of Cordoba is using a new technology to reveal archaeological data without affecting nature

Research members of the IMPROVEMENT project

Through its line of research, the IMPROVEMENT project aims to convert existing public buildings into zero-energy ones

Jueves, 16 Septiembre 2021 08:20

SOSTRA PROJECT | The 15 Skills that Educators of Adults in Europe Must Possess

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Investigators of the Sostra Proyect

The SOSTRA project responds to the need to cultivate key soft skills needed to educate continuing education students, through activities that are digitally accredited by Google

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