A Palimpsest Fragment with Unattested Passages of Job 3:11c-4:3b in Christian Palestinian Aramaic under Sinai, Greek NF MG 14
This palimpsest fragment with unattested passages of Job 3:11c-4:3b in the Christian Palestinian Aramaic translation has been preserved in a Greek codex registered as Sinai, Greek NF MG 14 in the Monastery of St Catherine. The biblical text is one of the more than 160 palimpsests, which could be identified among the New Finds that were discovered in 1975 in a blocked-up chamber. With the help of the new technology of multispectral digital imaging it was possible to bring out the reading of the lower script for this Bible section. The unpublished text is edited here in transliteration and translation with commentaries on the variant witnesses.
Palabras clave/Keywords
Christian Palestinian Aramaic, Greek, Job, Palimpsest, Peshitta, Septuagint, Syrohexapla, St Catherine’s Monastery
Texto completo:
PDF (English)DOI: https://doi.org/10.21071/cco.v17i0.1146
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UCOPress. Editorial Universidad de Córdoba (UCOPress. Cordoba University Press)
ISSN: 2386-7442