Miembros del proyecto Gen4Olive en el Rectorado de la Universidad de Córdoba.

La Universidad de Córdoba dirige el proyecto GEN4OLIVE, en el que se caracterizarán 500 variedades de olivo para conocer sus cualidades agronómicas y su comportamiento ante diferentes estreses como plagas y enfermedades o efectos del clima y cambio climático

A new epigenetic editing tool is developed to activate silenced genes

The research project is based on the CRISPR genetic editing technique and uses a plant protein to control gene expression in in-vitro cells

Publicado en Biomedicine and health

A University of Cordoba research team has developed a tool to erase molecular tags that silence genes involved in tumor growth

Plants have provided a new avenue in curbing tumor growth. On this occasion, it doesn’t involve miracle species or the like, but rather the results obtained by the University of Cordoba BIO301 research team called "Epigenetics and DNA Repair." This research team is affiliated with the Maimonides Institute of Biomedical Research and is led by Genetics Professor María Teresa Roldán Arjona.

Publicado en Biomedicine and health